If you hired 20 blue collar/no collar employees in 2015, you should be claiming $10,000 or more in Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credits on your 2016 return.

From 10% to 30% of the blue collar/no collar employees you hired in 2015 can make you, the employer, eligible for $2,400 per qualified hire IF you approach it correctly and take action in a timely way.  (Eligibility is based on a variety of factors such as previous military service, being unemployed in six of the previous twelve months, living in a low income census tract, etc.)

In late March the Federal Government allowed employers who were not using this WOTC credit to go back to January 2015 and retroactively claim credits on people that were already hired.

To optimize your tax credit before the window of opportunity closes, DCI (www.dcisolutions.net), a Vested Law alliance, needs to begin its analysis by May 20, 2016.

If you are not getting all the WOTC credits you are entitled to, you will keep overpaying taxes.  If you want to keep your hard-earned money instead of sending it off unnecessarily to the IRS, DCI Solutions can use its expertise in WOTC to  dramatically decrease the federal income taxes you pay.

For more information—and decisive action—call 888.395.0809 or email Kirk Conole at [email protected].